Today I have chosen to share Rogers City with you. I live about an hour away from here, but visit quite often, especially in the summer time when it is warm and my kids want to go to the beach. They have a lovely recreational area here, with beaches, a playground for children, and bike trails, along the shores of Lake Huron. Rogers City is located near the tip of the index finger if you are looking at a state map or atlas of Michigan. See, us Michiganders tend to use the palm of our right hand to use as a guide when showing people where we live. That is one of the benefits of living in a state where the lower part is shaped like a mitten. It can be quite handy.
This first photo is a picture of the Calcite Mine. It is the world's largest open pit limestone quarry and is also one of the largest shipping ports on the Great Lakes. Large freighters, up to a 1000 feet long, can often be seen docked here waiting to be loaded with limestone.

Here is another shot of the Calcite mine, with Lake Huron in the background. This is where you can see the freighters mentioned above.

This is the Yacht Harbor of Rogers City. The hand holding the torch is supposed to be a replica of the Statue of Liberty torch, and was created by Tom Moran of Moran Iron Works. You can find more of Tom's work by looking under Moran Iron Works in my blog roll. He has lots of statues in the northern Michigan area.

And last, but not least, I came across this abandoned boat near the Yacht Harbor.

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Very beautiful scenery in your part of the world. Happy Tuesay.
Thank you for showing me a part of Michigan I haven't had a chance to explore yet. You know, I think I'd only been here about two days when somebody explained the Michigan mitten to me.
Looks like a lot of fun. But only during summer, and even then I bet the water makes for a cold swim. That mine is fascinating as well.
lovely shots. i visited duluth and northern wisconsin this fall and was suprised by the size of the ships that ply lake superior.
We go to Michigan often, usually to shop in Port Huron, Flint or Saginaw. I would love to drive up the shore of Lake Huron sometime in your state. I love the Lake Huron shoreline of Ontario. Thanks for sharing. btw...you send all your winter weather to us when you are done with it and we are in the Lake Huron snow belt.
Very cool.. love the torch.. thanks for sharing
Nice shots of your city. Interesting info about the replica work.
Those are fantastic shots, Id love to see that torch replica in person. Thanks for sharing these.
Regina In Pictures
I love the abandoned boat. I betit is a treasure trove for kids to play pirates in.
Shannon: I enjoyed the trip through your world, thanks for sharing.
Hey, thanks for linking over to Michigan in Pictures and Absolute Michigan.
I hope you take a moment to add a free link to your blog over at Absolute Michigan!
The landscape is beautiful but it is your narrative that puts in all into context of what it actually is. Very interesting post.
Great photos! Glad to meet another michigander!
Not exactly what I expected to see on the lakeshore. Very interesting, however, and the lake is beautiful.
a very informative and interesting post of a part of michigan i have never seen. photos are great.
thanks for sharing.
Lovely scenery and love that boat
Nice shots from your world. I really like the abandonded boat.
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